miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

My Facebook

I decide to begin this blog with the topic Facebook, because I spend a lot of time in this web page.
On this page you can talk and see photos from your friends, play games, use applications...
In Facebook you can also find "old" friends, or contact with persons from Mexico or America, for example. If you find the person, you can send him a mail, and the other person decided if he like accept you or not.
If you accept a person, after, you can talk with him in a chat, see her photos, videos, posts, or anything that he write o do in Facebook.
Other people say, that Facebook only waste time and that with this page, there are too much information about you in the Internet ( photos, who you live, birthday, if you are married or have child's...). They have shown that it's true, if you have put a photo or anything on Facebook, unless you eraser it's in internet a lot of time.
There were a case from a lawyer in America, who eraser his account and in theoretic his information and photos, but he descover that in Internet his personal information's where there too.
He demanded the web page, but it takes more than four years before Facebook accepted that he was right and eliminated all information from the Internet.

So, I think it's a good way to connected with persons who you nearley never see, but you don't have to put to more information from your.

1 comentarios:

laurapenkert dijo...

Hi Lydia,

I think it's true that facebook can be dangerous if you put personal information there.

So be careful!


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