miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010


I like a lot make photos. It's one of my biggest hobby and a thing that I do when I'm bored at home or every place else. Before I had my first camera, I always take the camera from my sister, she's got very angry, but I don't stop even I had my first digital camera. Since that I had it, I made a lot of photos from everything and everywhere. My family don't understand how can a make all this photos, but I always think: If I made 100 photos, while there were one good, all the other 99 could be bad.
My prefer scenes are the nature and the beach. A lot of days I take the bike and go to the "Aiguamolls de l'Empordà", (it's less than twenty minutes with the bike) and there I take photos from flowers, sometimes animals. I like the "macro-modus" because later you can see every little detail on the photo.
Last month I went to a photography course, and there I met a really good photographer (from my point of view): Roger. He taught me a lot of things, how with a "bad" camera (he means, a normal camera, who costs less than 100 € and not a reflex (500€)) can you take fantastic photos. The firsts days where a little bit bored, because he only explain and explain how the mechanismus run, a lot of rules to make good photos, how to adjust the different menus on the camera... But finally, at the last day, we go to made photos outsides, and there I understood how important it's to know all the theory, before you begin to made photos.
When this course finished, I decided to made a blog, with my best photos. Since I had create it (less that one month) more than 45 people have visited it yet.
Also, a friend of my father (who was photographer) take a look at my photos and said that I'm very talented, and that from the photos that I show him, he doesn't know what to criticize.

Now I'm waiting for the result of a contest, in the cataloniatoday. I saw that competition while I was reading at the language room. They yet have send me a e-mail, saying that I'm one of the finalists! I'm impatient for the result!

Working as a photographer is a big dream for me, but I'm realistic: there are millions of young photographers, and because that now first I make the science batxillerat.
For now it's only a hobby, but maybe, one day it will be my job.

<-- that's my blog, take a look :)

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

Mobile phones

Today I am going to talk about mobile phones because it's an important part of my life. Just now I have received a text message, and so I have decided to write over that theme.
I think that there are a lot of positive thing from a mobile phone: you can always talk with everybody, send messages, take photos, play games, surf in the Internet, listen to music...
That are the good things. But isn't it nicer to hear a voice said I love you as receiving a wrong written message? Is it not better to wait impatient a call at home as that you always can talk with everybody?
How many times you receive a call or a message and after you are angry, sad or boring?

And all the money you can waste in calls! That can be very very expansive... Before I had a monthly contract, and I could spend what I would. Sometimes talking I forgot the time, and at the end of the month I received bills over 50 € or more. That was going so, until my parents wouldn't pay more, and cancel the contract. Now I have monthly about only 10 € from my parents and If I need more I had to pay it myself.

Finally, I think that a mobile phone is a good inversion, but sometimes it's also good to turn off it and be "incommunicable".

sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010

An ordinary day

Yesterday was Friday. The afternoon was like others. I had to go to the playback to practise my songs, it was the overview test and we must pracised the whole playback. Next week we have the playback. But, when I arrived... SURPRISE! Clara and my song is the first from the whole playback! I'm sure that I will be very, very nervous. And besides at the beginning from the song I'm sitting lonely on the stage, and beginning to "sing".

Well, we finished late, at half past four. I already haven't eat anything, and when I arrived at home I ate a big sandwich and spend on hour looking TV.
After that I went bicylcing. I do it every day on hour, excepted when I have rowing training. I always took with me my phone with headphones (to listen to music), scarves and the keys. Then, I went until Castelló and return. Sometimes when I'm maybe arrived at home and I'm not tired I continue by the beach street. But there maybe ever it's windy, and I don't like it.

Later, when it was dinner time, with my family, we premiere our new electric barbecue. But it was windy and cold, so we decided to put the barbecue on the balcony, but we ate normally in the dining room.

Yesterday it was "Barraques de Figueres" too. I went last week there too, but yesterday was the best day. First we went to the attractions, and I get on the biggest: Booster.
Then we went to look the concerts and meet other people. Later in the night we also met Quim, our catalan teacher!

It was the best night because I spend it with one of my best friends; Pablo. During the whole night I was with him, sometimes we met other people, but we return to lose them.
So, we were there, sitting on the street, talking and laughing a lot.

When it was three o'clock in the morning, Andrea's mother comes to pick us up. Cristina, Marta and I went to sleep on Andrea's house. We went sleeping until four o'clock.

Today, I wake up the first, on eight o'clock! And I couldn't return to sleep. So, I wait until it was ten o'clock. Then, the others, also woke up, we ate breakfeast and went to our rowing training.

The training was a chaos because all of our team was in Figueres the night before =)

sábado, 1 de mayo de 2010


I know I have made yet the option of playing a scene, but I made the trailer before I know that we only have to choose one of this options. Because that, I decided to post it too.