Every time I went shopping, I buy something, nearly never I go out from a shop without a bag with clothes :)
I love to be in the shops, look at all, compare prices, find t-shirts, trousers, jackets, shoes… everything! The smell there is there, I like too, because in every shop is different, singular.
A strangething is that when I'm shopping I'm never tired, I can walk a lot, but If i had to walk other days only ten minuts with my family "I'm tired" immediataly.
But when I arrived at home I notice that my foots hurts...
My mother every time is a little bit upset because she say that I have a lot of clothes, and that I don’t need more. But If I pay myself the clothes, she said that I can buy wh
I like a lot dresses. No little girl's dresses, no, I like dresses to go out, at the weekends or on partys. It can be possible that I buy one dress and don't wear it before a year... My mother think's it's stupid to buy dresses if you don't have a reason and a place to wear it.
Here on the side is a photo from my wardrobe, every time it’s very caotic, but I have my own system and I find always all: Or it’s in the wardrobe, or on the chair or on the washer :P
I love clothes, shopping and spend money :)
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