I wake up at 7 o'clock or later, 7:10, because I hate leave my warm bed and go to the bath.

After the bath, I normally sit down in front of the heating, in pyjama, and think about what to wear. When I see that's 7:15 or later I dress me and go breakfast. Then I go to the bath, brush teeth and return to my room to make up me, and brush my hair. Then, quickly I make my bag with the books for the day, and run down to the street.
Now I normally go to school with the car because my sister now has the license and so I can go with her. But when she's upset, she takes the motorcycle, and I must go with the bus. Then I must do all my morning routine more fast because the bus comes at 7:35.When I arrived at school I go to the class. The first class is horrible, I'm always tired and nearly sleeping.

After three eternal large classes is breakfast time, and I pass the half hour with my friends, I eat something, and often I study for exams.
After two other classes, only on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, it's lunch time. This year has got a change, now we only have from 13:25 to 14:35, only one hour! In the other years we had from 14:25 to 16:00. I think that was better because now when we finished lunch, immediataly after we go to class. And on Thursday when we have gym, it's horrible! Often I feel sick after that, specially when it's a hot day.
Well, after lunch, we are in school until 16:30. Until I arrive at home it's 17:00. I eat something and look TV one hour, a german programme called taff.
Than on Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to do private lessons to a little girl, I teach her catalan and help her with his homework.On the other days I read, study or I'm on the computer.
After dinner, I do my homework, and watch TV with my family.
I go to bed normally between 11 and 12 o'clock.
At weekends I sleep until 10:30, Saturdays and then I go to rowing training. After that I'm always going to shower and I'm very hungry.
On Sundays normally I study, meet friends or pass my time on home.
That are my days, my routine. I'm waiting for summer to change it!
SUMMER, come please!!

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