viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010

5 positive and 5 negative experiences

Positve experiences:

- I have won a rowing race with my team. It was a great victory, because it was the last race in the season, and for that we had trained a lot. In the races before we were sixth. Because that it was a fantastic moment.

- I have learnt snowboard, and enjoy it a lot. I begun in 2 ESO in a excursion with the school, we were in the mountains three days. Last year I went with my friends to Andorra, and other snow-parks and practises more. This year I alreaday not went to do snowboard, because I don't have time and money :P

-My parents bought me a dog. Spike, is a great dog I love him, I like to go with him on the beach and I can laugh a lot with him faces and locks.

- I moved to Spain, seven years ago. Now I don't want to return to Germany to live. Maybe when I finish school I go there for the University, but I prefer study here.

- I know fantastic people, whom I can trust completely. There are some persons in my life who never left me since I know them. With them I can talk about everything and spend hours and hours without doing anything but have a good time equally.

Negative experiences:

- I have lost friends, in Germany, but here as well.

- I'm waiting since three years to have enough money to do Kitesurf. It's my biggest dream to do kitesurf. I spend a lot of hours on the beach watching at them, and I will do it too. But it's very expensive, only a course from four days cost nearly 500 € and after that I need to buy the material too. But this autumn I can make my dream true.
I want to work all the summer, and then in September I begin it.

- I lost two cameras, three handbags and one bikini. I'm very chaotic, and scatterbrained, I ofter forget things.

- I don't see often my family. Specially there in Germany, I only go there in the summer or once a time in other holidays. I also have family in New York, a lot of aunts and uncles, and more than 15 cousins that I have never saw. I have decided to go to visit them when I have enought money.

- I have trust in the wrong person's, and therefore I pass it wrong often. But now I have learn to ignore these person's, accept that some people change with the time, and that other simply are stupid.

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