viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010

Why is Shakespeare so famouse?

Option 3:

Shakespear's life:

When was he born? He was born in 26 April 1564

Where was he born? He was born in Stratford-upend-Avon, in England
What was his family? His father was John Shakespeare and his mother Mary Aden
Who was his wife? His wife was Anne Hathaway. They married at 1582, when she was pregnant at the three month's. She died when she was 67 years old.

Did he have children? Yes, Susanna, Hemnet and Judith
How old was he when he died? He was 52.

Shakespear's time:
Who were the Queen and King during Shakespeare’s life? Elizabeth I
What country was a great rival of England during this time? France and Spain.
What happened with the Spanish Armada? It was a mishap
Why was the Elizabethan era described as golden? Because it’s the best ages of England, they have the Renaissance and the best ages of poetry.

Shakespear's career:
How many plays did he write? 40-50 plays
How many poems did he write? 5 poems
Find the title in England/Catalan of one comedy one tragedy and one poem
Comedy= The storm/ la tempesta. Tragedy= Hamlet/Hamlet.
Poem= The Phoenix and the turtle/ El fenix i la tortuga
What is the Globe? It’s a theater
Where is the Globe? In London
What plays are performed in the Globe this month? Kings and rogues
When was the Globe first built? In 1599
How long did Shakespeare work in the Globe? For 17 years
What was the name of his theatre company? The Lord Chamberlain's Men
What happened to the globe in 1644? It close
Who built the Globe again and when? In the same side and in 1997

Shakespear's fame:

How many words did he supposedly invent in the English language? He does a lot of new words
In whick play did he say: To be or not to be. That is the question? In Hamlet, a important tragedy.
Look for another famous word invented by Shakespeare and translate it.
It’s better to be king of your silence that slave of yours word/ Es millor ser tu el reidelsilenci que ser esclau de les teves paraules.

Who died on the same day as Shakespeare? Miguel de Cervantes
What was Shakespeare’s nick? Bard of Avon
How many films have been adapted from his work? More than 420 adoptions

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