This year we must do a Project in groups, about a concrete topic. My group andI, Elvira, Marta and Laura, decided to do about Coca-Cola.
We think that's a good thema because there is a lot of things to tell about it. On our project we write about the history and beginnings from Coca-Cola, the factories, the production, and at most important: the consumption and publicity.
The point of consumption made I and I had a lot of work with it.
At first, we made polls at more than 60 people. We divided it in different groups, from the ages: Primarz, secondary, 16 to 25 years, adults, and more than 50 years old.
The questions were from all the different topics from Coca-Cola, but specially how often the people drink's Coke, when, why, where...
The resultants surprised us. For example, in the question: Do you know that one tin of Coke contains 35 grams sugar, and that this equivalent a seven big tablespoon?
More than the half answered no, especially the young people, from primary and secundary. It's surprised because on every tin there says clearly that it contains this amount of sugar. But I think that nobody thinks that 35 grams are seven tablespoon, and it's difficult to imagine that in every tin are so much sugar.
Another questions, about the publicity, was: Do you like the publicity? Almost all the 60 person's said that they like it, but at the contrary maybe nobody answered that the publicity inflow in their consumption.
That all was a lot of work because we made it nearly in the last moment. Well, we had the polls before, but we didn't have time. So, two days before we must deliver our project, I sit more than three hours in my bed, sourrounded with the polls and passing the results to the computer.
When I had it on the computer, I begun to made the graphics, and after that commented they.
It was a lot of work, but the result was nearly eleven pages about the consumption.
A week ago we have delivered the project, before we had sheet togehter all our work.
Now we have to continue work at the objectives and conclusions, and at the end we have to reuse the project and make an oral presentation. I don't like oral presentation, but with each presentation we made I feel more secure in the next.